Dim myVariant1V As Variant Dim myVariant2V Public myVariant3V As Variant myVariant4V = 123.45
When you declare a Variant variable explicitly, LotusScript initializes it to the special value EMPTY. (Use the function IsEmpty to test a Variant variable for this value.) Declaring a Variant variable is less efficient than assigning it another data type, but is convenient. When you assign a Variant variable a value, LotusScript determines the data type of that value in either of two ways, depending on the available information:
Dim numVarV As Variant Dim anAmount As Currency anAmount@ = 20.05 numVarV = anAmount@ Print TypeName(numVarV) ' Output: CURRENCY numVar = 20.05 Print TypeName(numVar) ' Output: DOUBLE
Under certain circumstances, the data type of a value assigned to a Variant variable can change to accommodate the requirements of a particular operation on it. For instance, in the following example the user enters a sequence of numeric characters, which are then treated as a String value for some operations and as a numeric value for others:
' Declare a Boolean variable and assign it an initial ' value of FALSE (0). The application subsequently tests ' this variable, taking appropriate action depending on the ' variable's value—True (-1) or False (0). quitFlag = FALSE Dim ansV As Variant ' Have the user enter some numeric characters. ansV = InputBox("Enter a number.") ' See how many characters the user entered ' and assign that number to the Integer variable ' UB%. This involves treating the value of ansV ' as a String. UB% = Len(ansV) ' Test the value of ansV to see if it can be ' interpreted as being of one of the numeric ' data types. If so, declare a dynamic array of Variants, ' then allocate space for as many elements as ' there are characters in ansV, and then assign ' the successive digits in ansV to the elements in ' the array. If IsNumeric(ansV) = True then Dim digitArrayV() As Variant ReDim digitArrayV(1 To UB%)As Variant For x% = 1 to UB% digitArrayV(x%) = Mid(ansV, x%, 1) Next Else Print "You entered some nonnumeric characters." quitFlag = TRUE End If
' If ansV was able to be interpreted as a numeric, ' print its digits and their sum; then print ' the result of adding that sum to the original ' number that the user entered. If quitFlag = False Then Dim theSum As Integer ' theSum% is initialized to 0. For x% = 1 to UB% theSum% = theSum% + digitArrayV(x%) Print digitArrayV(x%) ; Next Print "" Print "Their sum is: " & theSum% Print "Their sum added to the original number is: " _ & ansV + theSum% End If ' Output, supposing the user enters 12345: ' 12345 ' Their sum is: 15 ' Their sum added to the original number is: 12360
See Also