You can specify replication settings for a single replica, or you can customize replication settings for multiple replicas of a database from one central source replica and then replicate these custom settings to the appropriate replicas. This approach to customizing replication allows you to centralize replication management and requires that you know the replication requirements for each replica.
The only centralized replication settings you can specify are "Replicate a subset of documents," to control which documents a replica receives, and "Replicate," to control which non-document elements a replica receives.
Note that changing centrally-managed replication settings requires two replications for the changes to take effect: the first replication to replicate the new settings from the source server to the destination servers and a second replication to replicate based on the new settings. The second replication doesn't occur until the source database is updated in some other way; to force the new settings to take effect if the source database isn't updated, clear the replication history.
For information on clearing the replication history, see Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help.
To specify replication settings for a single replica
1. Do one of the following:
3. Click the Send panel and then select/deselect options to limit what the replica can send to other replicas.
4. Click the Other panel and then select/deselect options.
5. Click the Advanced panel and then select/deselect any of the options under "Replicate." Ignore the options above "Replicate;" these are used for managing replication settings for multiple replicas of a database from one central source replica.
6. Click OK.
To specify replication settings for multiple replicas from one source replica
1. Make sure you understand replication settings.
2. Make sure you have Manager access in the ACL of the central source replica. Make sure that the central source replica has Manager access in the ACL of all destination replicas.
3. Do one of the following:
5. To specify a destination server, click the computer icon next to "When computer," specify the name of the destination server, select "Add Server," then click OK. To specify a Notes client as a destination server, enter the Notes client's hierarchical name.
6. To specify a source server, click the computer icon next to "Receives from," specify the name of a source server, select Add Server, then click OK. To specify the name of a Notes client as a source server, enter the Notes client's hierarchical name.
7. To delete a server that is selected as replication target, click either computer icon, select a server, select Delete Server, then click OK.
8. To have the specified destination replica receive a subset of documents, click "Replicate a subset of documents" and then specify the views or folders to replicate or specify a replication formula.
9. To specify which non-document elements the replica should receive, select appropriate options under "Replicate." You must select "Replication formula."
10. Repeat Steps 5 through 9 for each additional destination and source server combination.
11. Click OK.
Example See Also