Representing a color
The ColorObject class allows you to represent a Domino color so that you can access its Domino value, RGB (red, green, blue) value, and HSL (hue, saturation, luminance) value as properties. Use the createColorObject method of Session to establish the object.

The following table lists the ColorObject properties.
PropertyData typeDescription
Blue through getBlueint(Read-only) Blue RGB value 0-255.
Green through getGreenint(Read-only) Green RGB value 0-255.
Hue through getHueint(Read-only) Hue HSL value 0-240.
Luminance through getLuminanceint(Read-only) Luminance HSL value 0-240.
NotesColor through getNotesColor and setNotesColorintDomino color value.
Red through getRedint(Read-only) Red RGB value 0-255.
Saturation through getSaturationint(Read-only) Saturation HSL value 0-240.
Domino color values are in the range 0-240. Setting NotesColor sets the RGB and HSL properties to values that correspond to the Domino color value. You can base the color properties on HSL and RGB values through the methods setHSL and setRGB.

The following properties and methods use Domino color values:

See Also