Selected embedded outline properties
An embedded outline has several areas you can format. Using the Embedded Outline Properties box, you can set up the display of the outline, including images in the background area and a hierarchy style for entries in the title, top-level, and sub-level area.

Embedded outline areas

There are two different style properties that control how the embedded outline appears to the user: type and title.

The first, Type, determines whether the outline shows the hierarchy of the outline entries. The hierarchy is set up when you outdent and indent outline entries. If you select Tree style for type, then all of the outline entries that have indented entries below them will show up as expandable sections. You can choose to have green triangles (or twisties) display next to expandable outline entries, or users can click on the top-level entry to expand it. In a Tree style outline, all top-level entries show at all times. Users expand and collapse entries as necessary.

Tree style outline with twisties turned on:

Tree style outline with twisties turned on

Tree style with simple title:

Tree style outline with simple title

A Flat style outline displays one level of entries at a time. Initially, all top-level entries display. When you click an entry, if it is expandable, the sub-level entries associated with that entry will display. If it is not expandable, it will jump to whatever link or action is associated with it. If you want users to be able to navigate back up the outline, select Simple for the title style. The title will continue to display allowing users to click on it to get back to the previous level. If you choose Hide for the title style you must provide a button or action if you want users to be able to return to the top-level of the outline.

Initial display for flat style outline:

Initial flat style outline

After clicking Phone Book entry:

Expanded flat style outline

To format an embedded outline

1. Open the form or page on which the outline is embedded.

2. Select the outline.

3. Choose Element - Outline Properties. The Embedded Outline Properties box appears for you to set the overall display of the embedded outline.

Paragraph margins tab

Set paragraph margins.

Paragraph Hide-When tab

Set hide-when options.

See Also