A categorized column derives its name from the programming attached to the column. For example, to use creation dates or author names as categories, choose @Created or @Author when you program the column. A categorized column can also be set up so that the column gets its values from a Categories field on a form.
Setting up a Categories field
You can produce a categorized column based on a Categories field. To set up a categorized field, add a text or choice list field to the form and name it "Categories." A predefined list, user input, or lookup formula can populate the field with values.
To categorize documents created with the form, choose Actions - Categorize.
Setting up categories in advance
To set up a predefined list of categories, create a computed choice list field and enter the category names as its values.
Converting choice list field aliases to full category names
If you base a categorized column on a choice list field that contains aliases for the fields, those aliases are used as the category names.
For example, a RequestType field that contains the following choice list fields displays the category names as HW, SW, and SVC:
Software Request | SW
Service Request | SVC
@If(RequestType="HW";"Hardware Request";RequestType="SW"; "Software Request";"Service Request");
Letting users create categories in the Categorize dialog box
To let users enter their own categories in the Actions - Categorize dialog box, include an editable, multivalue, choice list field called "Categories" on the form and select the field option "Allow values not in list."
Generating dynamic lists of categories
To generate dynamic lists of categories, create a choice list field named Categories. Then, use the @DbColumn formula to calculate values for the field.
Example See Also