Examples: DXL output for a popup element
The following text file excerpts represent the DXL output for text and formula pop-up hotspots in a document.

The See Also section below lists the elements that are illustrated in DXL format in this example.

The location of the closing tag for an element illustrates its containment hierarchy. For example, the closing tag for the par element does not appear until the end of the example, illustrating that all the other elements are contained by the <par> element.

1. The following is DXL output for the sentence, "Here's a formula popup." where the word pop-up is hot. When a user clicks it, it triggers the Compose @command.

<pardef id="5" align="full" leftmargin="1in" list="uncheck" keepwithnext="true" />

<par def="5">

Here's a formula

<popup show="onclick" hotspotstyle="none">
<code event="

<font name="
Centaur" />




2. The following is DXL output for the sentence, "Here's a text pop-up." where the word text is highlighted to indicate that it is hot. When moused over, it pops up a textbox that displays, "This text is hot."


Here's a

<popup hotspotstyle="highlight">

<popuptext>This text is hot.</popuptext>



See Also