Resuming execution in a calling procedure
On Error Resume Next has a special meaning in handling an error that occurred in a lower-level procedure. LotusScript considers the procedure call to be the statement that caused the error; so "Next" refers to the next statement in the calling procedure.

For example:

Sub TestHand
  Dim num As Single
  num! = 1
  Print num! / 0
End Sub
Sub SuperHand
  On Error Resume Next
  Call TestHand()
  ' When control returns to SuperHand upon an error
  ' in TestHand, execution continues at this Print statement.
  Print "Continuing after calling sub TestHand."
  Exit Sub
End Sub
Call SuperHand()
' Output:
' Continuing after calling sub TestHand.

Similarly, when the statement Resume Next appears within an error-handling routine for an error that occurred in a lower-level procedure, "Next" refers to the next statement in the calling procedure.

The statement Resume 0, or simply Resume, in an error-handling routine means to re-execute the line where the error occurs, even if that line is in a lower-level procedure.

For example:

' The sub SuperHand calls the sub TestHand with an argument
' of 0, which produces an error. The error is handled by an
' error-handling routine in the caller, the sub SuperHand.
' Handling the error includes resetting the call argument
' to 1, and then calling TestHand with this argument. On the
' second call no error occurs.
Sub TestHand(num As Integer)
  Dim num2 As Single
  If num <> 0 GoTo ProcPo   Print "Call argument to sub" & _
     "TestHand is 0; will generate error."
  ' There's no error-handling routine in sub TestHand for
  ' division-by-zero, so control returns to the calling sub
  ' SuperHand when the next statement is executed.
  num2! = num% / 0
  ' This Print statement is not executed at all.
  Print "Continue here after division-by-zero error?"
  Exit Sub
  ' Come here if call argument is nonzero.
  Print "Call argument to sub TestHand is nonzero" & _
   " (no error)."
  Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub SuperHand
  Dim numIn As Integer
  ' A division-by-zero error not handled in sub TestHand
  ' is handled by the error-handling routine at DivZero.
  On Error GoTo DivZero
  Call TestHand(numIn%)
  Exit Sub
  Print "Handling division-by-zero error."
  numIn% = 1
  ' Re-execute the statement that caused the error
  ' being handled. This will be the statement Call
  ' TestHand(numIn%) above. The call argument is now 1.
  Resume 0
End Sub
Call SuperHand()
' Output:
' Call argument to sub TestHand is 0; will generate error.
' Handling division-by-zero error.
' Call argument to sub TestHand is nonzero (no error).

See Also