Concatenating, comparing, and determining length

The + operator concatenates strings. The =, <>, !=, =!, ><, <, >, <=, and >= operators compare strings. The following @functions determine length and compare strings:
FunctionDescription and Usage
@CompareCompares two lists pair-wise.
@Length (string)Returns the length of a string in characters.
@Length(stringlist)Returns the length of each element of a string list in characters.
@LikeUses _ (underline) to match any single character and % (percent sign) to match any sequence of characters in accordance with ANSI standard X3.135-1992.
@Like (string ; pattern)Determines whether two strings match. Conforms to ANSI SQL standard.
@Like(string ; pattern ; esc)Same as above with an escape character.
@MatchesUses ? to match any single character and * to match any sequence of characters, plus a number of other wildcards. @Matches uses \ as an escape character.
@Matches (string ; pattern)Determines whether two strings match. Wildcards can be used to expand the scope of the comparison.

See Also