Examples: Beep statement
' While a user-specified interval (in seconds) elapses, beep
' and count the beeps. Then tell the user the number of beeps.

Dim howLong As Single, howManyBeeps As Integer
Function HowManyTimes (howLong As Single) As Integer
  Dim start As Single, finish As Single, counter As Integer  
  start! = Timer
  finish! = start! + howLong!
  While Timer < finish!
     counter% = counter% + 1
  HowManyTimes% = counter%
End Function
howLong! = CSng(InputBox _
  ("For your own sake, enter a small number."))
howManyBeeps% = HowManyTimes(howLong!)
MessageBox "Number of beeps:" & Str(howManyBeeps%)

See Also