To use the tags in a Web application:
1. Copy the domtags.jar file, which is located in the Notes/Data/domino/java directory, to the WEB-INF\lib directory for the Web application.
2. Copy the domtags.tld and domutil.tld files, which are also located in the Notes/Data/java directory, to the WEB-INF directory for the Web application.
3. In the web.xml file for your application, define the following tag library XML tags:
5. Add either of the following Domino Objects for Java JAR files to the classpath of the server hosting the Web application:
NCSO.JAR -- Use if you are setting up the application for remote (CORBA/DIIOP) access (Domino and the Web application server on different machines). This file is located in the Notes/Data/domino/java directory.
For details on running Domino with a WebSphereŽ Web server, see Using Domino JSP tags with WebSphere remotely.
Note With Release 6, do not use NCSOW.jar in the CLASSPATH when running remote (IIOP) calls in a WebSphereŽ environment. NCSOW.jar is no longer kitted as it was starting with Release 5.0.4; it continues to work with R5 servers, but should not be used with Release 6 servers. Use applications previously written to use NCSOW.jar with R5 servers only. NCSO.jar works with both R5 and Release 6 servers.
For more information on CORBA-based remote (IIOP) calls, see "Running a Java program" in the Java/CORBA Classes documentation.