Enabling an application for Domino Off-Line Services
Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS) provides a way for users to take IBM Lotus Domino Release 6 Web applications offline, work in them, and synchronize the changes with an online replica on the Domino server. Users are not required to have IBM Lotus Notes Release 6 client because the applications are accessed with a browser.

Nearly all Notes functionality is retained when a DOLS-enabled application (called a subscription) is taken offline. Users can compose, edit, delete, sort, and categorize Notes documents, and perform full-text searches. DOLS subscriptions can make full use of Java applets, agent execution, and workflow. DOLS also supports full data replication, retains application logic, and supports the full Notes security model.

The developer and administrator must set up and configure a DOLS subscription for offline use.

The developer copies a number of elements into the subscription, makes design changes if necessary, and configures the subscription in the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document.

The administrator makes sure DOLS is installed properly on the server, sets security for the subscription, sets up agents, makes changes to the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document if necessary, and helps users install the subscription.

Once the subscription is enabled, users can access it on the server using a browser. The user clicks in a new frame on the subscription's main page to open a JavaScript menu. When the user selects "install" from the menu, the subscription is installed on their computer.

Also installed on their computer is the Lotus Domino Sync Manager (previously the iNotes(TM) Sync Manager), a utility for managing DOLS subscriptions. Users can open subscriptions online or offline, synchronize, and set subscription properties with the Sync Manager.

For more information, see the following: