Defining member properties and methods
Properties and methods are tied to their class and can be used only with an object belonging to that class. You define properties and methods inside the Class statement.
Class syntax, containing a member variables, a Sub, Function, and Property

The following Stack class uses several properties and methods to perform simple push and pop operations on a stack data structure.

Class Stack
 Private idx As Integer
 Stack List As Variant
 Public stackName As String
 Private Sub CheckStack ' Sub is visible only within
                        ' the class.
   If idx% = 0 Then Error 999
 End Sub

 Sub New
   idx% = 0        ' Initialize idx.
 End Sub

  Private Property Set topValue As Variant
    Stack(idx%) = topValue  ' Set the top value on the stack.
  End Property
  Private Property Get topValue As Variant
    topValue = Stack(idx%)  ' Get the top value on the stack.
  End Property

  ' Same as Get for topValue.
  Function Top
     Top = topValue   ' Call the topValue Get method.
  End Function

  Sub Push(v)         ' Push a value on the stack.
    idx% = idx%+1
    topValue = v
  End Sub

  Function Pop        ' Pop a value off the stack.
    Pop = topValue
    Erase Stack(idx%)
    idx% = idx%-1
  End Function

  ' Read-only property. There is no Set for Count.
  Property Get Count
    Count = idx%       ' Count the values on the stack.
  End Property

End Class

Dim St As New Stack
Call St.Push("An item on the stack")
Call St.Push("Another item on the stack")
Print "# of items on the stack is ";St.Count
Print "TopValue is ";St.Top

Declaring Sub New and Sub Delete (initializing and deleting objects)

Within a class definition you can create two special subs. They are always Public; you cannot declare them as Private.

You can use these subs as events in your scripts. For example, you could create a File class that uses Sub New to open a file and Sub Delete to close a file. Similarly, you could create a PrintJob class that uses Sub New to start a new page, align text, and set the margins, and that uses Sub Delete to terminate the print job.

Sub New in the following script initializes the member variables of the CustomerAccount object. The Set statement that creates a new Account object also passes three arguments required by the Sub New for the Account class. Sub New assigns the values of the arguments to the three member variables of the newly created object: balance@, acctNum&, and customerNum&.

Class Account
 balance As Currency
 acctNum As Long
 customerNum As Long

' Declare Sub New.
 Sub New (newBal As Currency, newAcctNum As Long, _
   newCustNum As Long)
    balance@ = newBal@
    acctNum& = newAcctNum&
    customerNum& = newCustNum&
    Print "New Parms=";balance@, acctNum&, customerNum&
 End Sub

' Declare Sub Delete.
 Sub Delete
    Print "Deleting account record for customer: ";customerNum
 End Sub

End Class
Dim CustomerAccount As Account

' Create the object.
Set customerAccount = New Account(1234.56, 10001991, 5412)          
Delete customerAccount     ' Explicitly delete the object.

See Also