Defines the structure of an access control list (ACL) in a Domino database. The ACL is unique in that it is similar to a design note, but behaves as a separate object that holds information in a Domino database. In DXL, the ACL is treated as a root element, which enables you to manipulate it independently, without having to import or export an entire database.
The ID of the person importing a database in DXL must be listed as having manager access in the ACL of the database for the ACL information in the DXL to be imported.
For more information on ACLs, see The database access control list section.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: <database>
Contains: <role>, <aclentry>, <logentry>
<!ELEMENT acl ( role*, aclentry+, logentry* )>
role* , aclentry+ , logentry*
The %acl.adminservermaymodify; entity lists the level of access that an administration server for a database has to the database's Names, Author, and Reader fields. These options are set on the Advanced tab of the Acess Control List Properties box.
<!ENTITY % acl.adminservermaymodify "none | authorreaderfields | namesfields">