- Actions
Use an action with a form or view to set up a user-activated task. You can make the action available in the Actions menu or as a button in the action bar. In particular, use actions to simulate Notes menu items for Web browser users. Then, those users can complete Notes tasks when accessing Domino databases.
- Hotspots
Use a hotspot in a form or document to set up a user-activated task. The hotspot can be a link to another Web site, database, or element in a database; a button; a pop-up; or an action.
- Agents
Use agents to set up user-activated tasks, or background tasks, in any part of a Domino application. Agents can be simple, such as moving documents to a folder, or complex, using Java programs to run multiple automated tasks at scheduled times. Agents are stored with databases, but you can use them to run automated tasks for views, documents, fields, and databases.
- Programs that are activated by an event
Associate an automated task with an event that occurs when a design element is used. For example, set up an error-checking automated task to verify user input after a user has saved a document.