Accessing view entry properties

The NotesViewEntry class lets you access rows in a view. This object gives you access to the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
ChildCount Integer(Read-only) The number of immediate children belonging to the current view entry
ColumnValues Array of variants(Read-only) The value of each column in the view entry
DescendantCount Integer(Read-only) The number of descendants belonging to the current view entry
Document NotesDocument(Read-only) The document associated with the view entry
FTSearchScore Integer(Read-only) The full-text search score of a view entry which has been retrieved as part of a full-text search
IndentLevel Integer(Read-only) The indent level of a view entry
IsCategory Boolean(Read-only) True if the view entry is a category
IsConflict Boolean(Read-only) True if the view entry is a conflict document
IsDocument Boolean(Read-only) True if the view entry is a document
Istotal Boolean(Read-only) True if the view entry is a total
IsValid Boolean(Read-only) True if the view entry is valid
NoteID String(Read-only) The note ID of a view entry
Parent NotesView(Read-only) The parent ViewEntryCollection, ViewNavigator, or View object of a view entry
SiblingCount Integer(Read-only) The number of siblings belonging to the current view entry
UniversalID String(Read-only) The universal ID of a document associated with a view entry

See Also