If you are running the JSP remotely (the Domino server and the hosting Web server are located on two separate machines), a textarea control replaces the richtext control. Its height and width are specified by the cols and rows attributes.
Note For the tag to function properly, you must select the "Store contents as HTML and MIME" checkbox on the Control tab of the field properties box for the Rich text field you are referencing.
Note If you are using client-side JavaScript to control the submission of the form containing this tag, you must use the form.performSubmit() method instead of form.submit() or the richtext control will not function properly.
Valid in:
The following attributes are optional:
<domino:richtext name="body" codepath="components/editor" width='<%=width%>' height='<%=height%>' tabindex="30"/>
HTML Attributes
Domino supports the following HTML tag attributes. See the Common HTML tag attributes section for their definitions.