Creating columns in a view
Columns display one type of information about the documents listed -- such as the document subject, author, or creation date. One column in a view is usually the organizing element -- for example, in a chronological view, the organizing column displays document creation dates.

To add a column to a view in Designer, choose Create - Insert New Column or Create - Append New Column.

A view can have a single column or as many columns as you can fit in 22.75 inches (the allotted width of a view).

To copy a column, open the view in Designer, click the column, copy it to the clipboard, select the column to the right of where you want the column to appear, and choose Edit - Paste. To select multiple contiguous columns, select the leftmost column you want to copy, hold down the Shift key, and select the rightmost column you want to copy. You can now copy or delete the columns as a group.

To delete a column, open the view in Designer, click the column, and choose Edit - Delete.

See Also