If users create replica stubs on their workstations and don't populate them with documents according to a schedule, they must manually replicate to populate the database replica with documents.
The server storing the replica stub doesn't have adequate access to pull information
If you rely on scheduled replication to populate a replica stub, the server storing the replica stub must have at least Reader access in the source server replica ACL to pull the documents from the source server.
An appropriate Connection document between two servers isn't in place
If you rely on scheduled replication to populate a replica stub on a server with documents from a replica on another server, a Connection document must exist between the two servers storing the replica and the replica stub. Confirm with your Domino administrator that a Connection document exists and that it is configured correctly.
Replication is disabled
Notes cannot populate a replica stub if replication is disabled on the source or destination server replica. To see if replication is disabled for the database, see if the "Temporarily disable replication" option is deselected. This option is found on the "Other" tab when you choose File - Replication - Settings in the Notes client.
See Also