Examples: NotesColor property
This agent writes to the NotesColor property based on user input, then displays all the color properties.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim color As NotesColorObject
 Set color = session.CreateColorObject
 colorString = Inputbox("Enter color 0-240", "Domino color")
 If Not Isnumeric(colorString) Then
   Messagebox "Color must be numeric 0-240",, "Not numeric"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 notesColor = Cint(colorString)
 If notesColor < 0 Or notesColor > 240 Then
   Messagebox "Color must be numeric 0-240",, "Not in range"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 color.NotesColor = notesColor
 Messagebox "RGB = " & color.Red & ", " & color.Green & _
 ", " & color.Blue & Chr(13) & _
 "HSL = " & color.Hue & ", " & color.Saturation & ", " & _
 color.Luminance,, "Domino color " & color.NotesColor
End Sub

See Also