Note If you are designing a template (an .NTF file) for others to use to create applications, make sure the default access is at least Reader so that users and/or servers) can successfully read from the template when creating or refreshing .NSF files based on that template.
Access levels assigned to servers in a database ACL control what information within a database the servers can replicate.
To access a database on a particular server, a Notes user must have both the appropriate database access specified in the ACL as well as the appropriate access specified in the Server document in the Domino Directory.
For more information on server access levels, see Administering the Domino System.
For more information on database access for Internet users, see Maximum Internet name-and-password access.
Caution Administrators who are listed in the Full Access Administrators, Administrators, and Database Administrators fields in the Server document are allowed to delete any database on the server, even if they are not listed as managers in the database ACL.
This table shows the user access levels, listed from highest to lowest.
Encrypt the database.
Modify replication settings.
Delete the database.
Perform all tasks allowed by lower access levels.
Create a full-text search index.
Edit all documents, including those created by others.
Read all documents unless there is a Readers field in the form. If there is a Readers field, the Editor must be listed to be able to read or edit the document.
Edit the documents where there is an Authors field in the document and the user is specified in the Authors field.
Read all documents unless there is a Readers field in the form. If there is a Readers field, the Author must be listed to be able to read documents.
Note You may want to specifically assign No Access to individuals who should not have access to a database, but who may be members of a group that does.
You can view ACL entries by access level to see which users, server, or groups are assigned to a specific access level.
1. Make sure that you have Manager access in the database ACL.
2. Select the database icon from your Bookmarks pane.
3. Choose File - Database - Access Control.
4. Click the arrow next to "People, Servers, Groups" and select an access level. The ACL displays only those names with the selected access level.
5. Click OK.
See Also